Academic Concepts

Academic Concepts
4 months
I worked as a freelance graphic & UX designer for Academic Concepts. I was responsible for ideating & implementing the branding. I also worked closely with the client to collate design & branding language. In addition, I helped the team to design a UX system for their website with focused targets for user interaction.
Design Objective
I was commissioned to create branding and a UX system for Academic Concepts. The objective was to establish an identity and a digital presence
Academic Concepts are an educational organisation. They managed a variety of academic programs and services designed for the differently-abled.
The client wanted the identity to center around 'Growth', 'Study' or 'Innovation'. In addition, the client hoped to increase engagement and impact among potential donors.
I explored several different motifs that embody the keywords the client had outlined. I chose to focus on 'Study' & 'Growth' since that's what encompasses most of the client's services.
At this stage, I also suggested that the client use a template for the website. This was because a more custom approach would need complex maintenance. However, I still volunteered to edit and customise the template once obtained.

Some of the sketches from the ideation phase follow;
Ideation sketches exploring various options centred around academic motifs and monograms.
Ideation sketches exploring various options centred around academic motifs and monograms.
I explored various methods to represent the Academic Concept identity. I also procured a detailed understanding from the client about specific UX functionalities. After reviewing with the client, I created the final drafts that contained the following key features;
As part of the branding exercise, I provided the client with a choice of colour palettes to choose from. The colour scheme was especially important because it had to establish a new identity. However, it also needed to provide a link to the V-Excel's (academic institutions managed by Academic Concepts) brand colours.
The font and iconography were also selected to represent innovation and modernity. Since there was a selected theme, I paid attention to adjusting the design to match the new identity. The final design language displayed below embodies this;
Design Language for Academic Concepts - Branding, Colour & Typography
Design Language for Academic Concepts - Branding, Colour & Typography
You can see Academic Concepts' identity and website by following the link below or here.The branding and visualisers below reflect what was finally presented to the client.
Academic Concepts - Final Identity
Academic Concepts - Final Identity